Visions by Baker creates timeless works of portrait art for busy families celebrating the stories of our lives.
Every need is fulfilled from personal design consultations to custom installation of your final artwork.
Portrait art is an heirloom treasure as unique and priceless as your own family.
Images are captured with a camera, but your personality is painted with a brush.
Portraiture is created that tells who you are, not simply what you look like.
When excellence matters and good enough… isn't.
In today’s busy world of instant and average, some moments are more special than others and meant to be treasured forever.
It is in my power, and my responsibility, to reveal the positive relationships and individual personalities within people that can sometimes hide under the surface, if even just for a fraction of a second.”
Introducing the founder and owner of Visions by Baker Portrait Art; Jeffery A. Baker Sr., CPP
Jeff is a multi-award winning and internationally certified professional artist.
“My Grandfather gave me my first camera when I was around 10 years old.
Professional training teaches us how to use a camera, but his guiding eye helped me learn to see.
As a Grandfather myself now, and a Portrait Artist, virtually everything I do is about family and children. I have seen the struggles of others and donate much of my time and services to organizations such as Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, the JCC, and the March of Dimes. Sometimes the best reward is to see the smiles and feel the emotions of the families I have come to know along the way. I live for and choose to be that warm hug everyone needs.
Photography has always given me balance between the logical and the creative, the left brain and the right brain. But today, photography is only the beginning. I use the combination of today's latest technology, traditional mixed media, and my Grandfather's guiding eye, to create heirloom portrait art that reveals who you are and help to tell your story.
Years in Business
28 Years
Employee Count
1 Employees