Irene Abdou

Irene Abdou Photography, LLC | Clarksburg, MD 20871-5323

Irene Abdou

Irene Abdou Photography, LLC

The revelation came in 2007 when I started to see the world through an imaginary rectangular viewfinder. My husband would be driving us down 270, and I would be looking at the scene ahead, tilting my head back and forth as I thought, yes, it looks better THIS way than THAT WAY. My revelation came after many years. It was after I had earned a B.A. in Physics. And it was long after 3 1/2 years in the Peace Corps in West Africa. In fact, it was even after I’d been working in international development & humanitarian aid for another 11 years, including 2 years living in a tent in Southern Sudan. When I quit my job in international development, it was because photography had become the air I breathed. It was… and is… my passion… it had taken over my life. And when I made that step, it was like a wave of relief passing over me. Because I had found my true calling.

Photography is an art, and I am an artist.

No two people see alike, so put a camera in the hands of two photographers, and you’ll get wildly different results.

The most beautiful photographs are beautiful because of how the photographer molds light, both natural and artificial, and

I am a sculptor of light.

I am also a hopeless romantic. I don’t care if that movie is predictable, as long as true love prevails. So don’t be surprised if you find my photography to be full of emotion and passion, tender touches and romance. I love it when my photography makes my clients cry tears of joy.

My enthusiasm for photography tends to rub off on the people I’m photographing. One of my clients once said that she giggled as she noticed how thrilled I was, and that my happiness was so genuine that it became infectious, helping to create magic in the photographs I created for them.

So if you’d like to experience the percolating effects of my passion for photography, just click here:

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