Ashleigh Carter

Vacaville, CA 95688-9608

My name is Ashleigh Carter. I have been known to wear flip flops everywhere; the beach, the snow, and even riding horses. Hence, Flip Flop Rider. I grew up in southern California but came up here for college and came back again after I met my now-husband. I live with my husband, daughter, and in-laws on a 5-acre property in Vacaville which is full of photograph opportunities in the animals, the flowers, and, of course, my daughter who is littered in nearly all of my galleries.

I come from a line of photography hobbyists but I didn't pick up a camera until college. Over the years during and after college, I went from a film camera, to a basic point and shoot digital camera to my now DSLR. I have always been a huge fan of details. A lot of my photos focus on the minute. The texture on a petal, the color of the eyes, the patterns on a dress, a large spider in Africa (thank goodness for zoom lenses).

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